My wonderful honey found and purchased for me an antique KichenAide stand mixer. Its beautiful. Sage green with the beehive glass mixing bowl. So naturally I baked a cake. Banana with cream cheese frosting.
I did not diet this weekend,
All right, let me cut myself a little break. I did think about my diet. I watched my portion control. I actually bought fresh fruit to have with breakfast, and ate it! Don't tell anyone but it was really yummy. I had strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries with a very small portion of my delicious breakfast hash and was very satisfied. In fact afterward I was quite pleased that I hadn't stuffed myself with the heavy potatoes.
My weekend activities comprised of housework, Its really the only activity I had and it wasn't that strenuous. I did some walking but nothing special. I did not weigh in and won't for a few days..... I don't expect good news, so why ask.
So the breaking news is that I drop the night job after this week, What was I thinking? No middle aged, out of shape fat women can work 15 hour days for long without some serious donut fuel. I'm tired, and parts of my body ache that shouldn't ache unless you've ran a marathon (so I'm told) or had lots of really great rowdy sex. (not telling) Diet coke only goes so far! As far as the claims that lots of water will increase your energy, I call bullshit. So next week I will be home with my honey in the evenings, might even hit the gym just for the pure fun of it!
Love ya, mean it.
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